All travellers must hold a visa except the following:
1. Residents of Gibraltar.
2. Foreign residents of Gibraltar with:
– A valid visa waiver stamped in the passport;
– A valid residence permit or a Civilian Registration Identity Card.
Validity of the visa waiver is dependent on the validity of the traveller’s work permit.
3. Travellers with British passports regardless of endorsement concerning citizenship.
4. Travellers with passports issued by Hong Kong (A Special Administrative Region of China) or issued by Macao (A Special Administrative Region of China).
5. Citizens of the following countries
Andorra | Guatemala | New Zealand |
Antigua & Barbuda | Honduras | Nicaragua |
Argentina | Hungary | Norway |
Australia | Iceland | Panama |
Bahamas | Republic of Ireland | Papua New Guinea |
Barbados | Israel | Paraguay |
Belgium | Italy | Poland |
Belize | Japan | Portugal |
Bolivia | Kiribati | Romania |
Botswana | Republic of Korea | Samoa |
Brazil | Latvia | San Marino |
Brunei | Lesotho | Seychelles |
Bulgaria | Liechtenstein | Singapore |
Canada | Lithuania | Slovak Republic |
Chile | Luxembourg | Slovenia |
Costa Rica | Malawi | Solomon Íslands |
Cyprus | Malaysia | South Ảfrica |
Czech Republic | Maldives Islands | Spain |
Denmark | Malta | St. Kitts-Nevis |
Dominica | Marshall Islands | St. Lucia |
El Salvador | Mauritius | St. Vincent & Tobago |
Estonia | Mexico | Tuvalu |
Finland | Micronesia | Ủruguay |
France | Monaco | Vanuatu |
Germany | Namibia | Vatican City |
Greece | Nauru | Venezuela |
Grenada | Netherlands |
6. Citizens of the United States of America, excluding travellers with a United States ‘Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands’ passport, who need a visa.
7. Travellers, regardless of nationality, who have a multiple entry United Kingdom visa that is valid for no less than one year.
8. Travellers, regardless of nationality, who have been granted leave to stay in the United Kingdom for an indefinite period or have a United Kingdom Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Residence provided they have not stayed outside the United Kingdom for more than two years.
9. Travellers, regardless of nationality, with diplomatic passports provided they are travelling on duty.
10. Travellers with a ‘Laissez Passer‘ issued by the United Nations.
For those who do not belong to this list and want to apply for Visa to Gibraltar, please feel free to contact for:
+ Consulting all visa requirements, condition, the duration of visa
+ Collecting and assessing all documents to apply
+ Performing all application form, administrative procedures on behalf of client
+ Supporting notarization and translation
+ Representing client to submit documents to competent authority
+ Following and informing the result to client
+ Representing client to get visa at Embassy/Consulate.