Tunisia visa exemption

Foreign citizens of some countries who hold ordinary passportsand meet certain requirements may visit Tunisia without a visa, within 90 days. Inside that, citizens of Canada, Germany, USA within 4 months, Bulgaria – 2 months, Greece – 1 months.

European Union except Cyprus Belarus Comoros
Andorra Burkina Faso Costa Rica
 Angola Bosnia and Herzegovina Ivory Coast
Antigua and Barbuda  Brazil Equatorial Guinea
 Argentina Brunei  Fiji
Australia Canada Gabon
Bahrain Cape Verde Gambia
Barbados Chile  Guinea
Guinea Bissau Libya Oman
Hong Kong  Liechtenstein Qatar
 Honduras Macedonia Russia
Iceland Malaysia Saint Kitts and Nevis
Japan  Maldives Saint Lucia
Jordan Mali San Marino
Kazakhstan Mauritania Saudi Arabia
Kiribati  Mauritius


South Korea Mexico Serbia
 Kuwait  Moldova  Seychelles
Monaco Singapore Vatican City
Montenegro South Africa Norway
Morocco Switzerland Niger
Namibia Turkey United States of American
 New Zealand UAE

2. Foreign citizens of some countries who hold ordinary passportsand meet certain requirements may visit Tunisia without a visa if you have Identity card + Travel Schedule of Travel Agency + Hotel details.

France Austria Belgium
Spain Portugal Germany
Switzerland Sweden Italy
Netherlands Luxembourg

3. Foreign citizens of some countries who hold Official Passport or Diplomatic Passport will be Visa exemption.

China Pakistan Cuba
Mexico Singapore Czech Republic
India Vietnam Syria
Egypt Thailand Iran
Philippines Russia

4. Foreign citizens of some countries will be Visa exemption if Travel Schedule of Travel Agency + Booking hotel:

Azerbaijan Tajikistan India
China Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan
 Georgia Ukraine Uzbekistan

With Tunisia Visa, please feel free to contact for:

+ Consulting all visa requirements, condition, the duration of visa

+ Collecting and assessing all documents to apply

+ Performing all application form, administrative procedures on behalf of client

+ Supporting notarization and translation

+ Representing client to submit documents to competent authority

+ Following and informing the result to client

+ Representing client to get visa at Embassy/Consulate.

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